To add promotional funds to a card, visit and sign in.

- Select Manage Cards.
- Quickly locate a card by typing any of the following into the Search field:
- Card Number
- Ackroo-ID or Batch Info #
- Customer Name
- Customer Email
- Once the card is located, select the Action button to the right of the card.
- Select Fund Promotion and complete the pop-up form:
- Choose the location you wish to apply the promotion FROM (Note: "Head Office" is your online Program Console). This is for reporting purposes.
- Choose the location you wish to apply the promotion TO (If you have multiple Businesses that do not share Loyalty/Promotional cross-spending across all sites).
- Enter the $ Amount of promotional funds you would like to apply to the card.
- If you have Promotion Tags enabled in your Settings, Select a Tag to identify a reason code.
- Enter a Description for the promotion, if desired, so that you can reference it later on. Ie. "Fundraiser"
- If desired, you can select This Promotion Expires and enter a date at which this promotion will end. Any unused portion of the funds will automatically be expired and erased from the card on the date you have selected.
- If desired, you can select Email an Action Export and an email transaction summary report will be sent to your inbox.
- Choose Activate Promotion.
The funds will be loaded to the card and are available as a Promotional Loyalty balance to redeem